And why am I looking at this church's web site? Because this event showed up on my Facebook feed and piqued my curiosity. Chrislam exposed? I've never heard of Chrislam.
Shahram Hadian unsuccessfully ran for governor of Washington State last year. His campaign web site has since been hacked or hijacked. The domain registration hasn't changed but the original content surely has. He's also the pastor of the Truth In Love Church whose core beliefs are coming soon. I might go learn about the seductive lie of a common god between Christianity and Islam just for the heck of it.
Snow Day
3 weeks ago
Not sure about Chrislam, but I knew a kid who was a Jewslim.
He read from the Toran and observed Ram Kippur.
He ended up fighting for Hamas. And Yamas. He threw stones at himself and shot back with rubber bullets.
Conflicted, he went on Hajj to the Western Wall. He davened at the Kaaba.
Finally he made it to Camp David, where he enjoyed brief moments of peace.
He decided he favors a one-state solution.
Progressolibertarians continue to dominate Republicrats. Diplomacy over war in Syria, Larry Summers takes a hike.
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