The answer is: This consists of drinking a cup of tea, reading the paper, and shoveling the latest accumulation of snow from the driveway.
Hank's morning routine. I mean what is Hank's morning routine?
Because thinking deep is just too frickin' hard.
Hey you win a prize for the driveway.
Why aren't you riding your bike around it?
Hank . . . are you . . . uhhh . . . shovelling your street??? (Please tell us you're not shovelling your street.)
Yes, I am shoveling the part of my street from the end of the driveway to a point well past the mailbox so the paper and mail carriers don't have to get out of their vehicles.
I forgot to mention that shoveling that area also gives me a buffer so when the plows finally come through they don't leave a berm across the end of my driveway. It's work but it works. Sure beats the heck out of chiseling through an ice berm.
I hereby nominate you for the highly coveted IBOMAPCCOTYA. (International Brotherhood of Mail and Paper Carriers Customer Of The Year Award!)
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