Pat was kind enough to invite me over to ride the pump track. It was a learning experience and a lot of fun. I took the opportunity to work on my video skills. I alternated between auto and manual focus. Autofocus on the DSLR creates some weird scenes. Manual focus is difficult if you're not using a tripod and looking through the viewfinder.
Pump Track Session from hank greer on Vimeo.
The pump track is not only fun, but surprisingly quite the workout. Thanks Pat!
Snow Day
4 weeks ago
Great stuff, Hank! Was that John manualling right there at the end?? Holy living hell. I doubt we'll ever hear the end of this, now that it's on Vimeo . . .
Relax, Pat. There are only 34 views. Now had John been riding the cargo bike and manualling at the end it would have gone viral. :-)
Well Pat.. since *you* brought it up...
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