The shadow of malfeasance in the Otto Zehm case grew darker this month as we learned from the Spokesman Review that:
...Assistant Police Chief Jim Nicks is prepared to testify that major crimes detectives failed to analyze the video of the confrontation compared to Thompson’s statement; they never followed up on a report from an ambulance crew that Thompson struck Zehm in the head with a baton; and his own review of the video shows that Thompson violated several policies and procedures by applying unjustified force against the retreating Zehm.
As the article states, that is a complete reversal of what Nicks said before. Plus, in today's Review we learn that the city attorney's office knew about this almost two years ago and the city council members are saying they were just now informed.
When this news came out earlier this month, the Center for Justice posted a brief article about it. A link to that was posted on Facebook leading to a comment by City Councilman Bob Apple.
Most of us knew it, when we saw the video and apparently others needed years to have it sink in, go figure. Know no evil, see no evil, hear no evil, caused by something not quite right at City Hall.
It remains to be seen who is included in "us" and what is meant by "it", but in the context of the linked article and his reference to City Hall, it appears "us" means the city leadership and "it" means what Nicks is now saying. (By the way, his reference to the three wise monkeys is not only off, it's an ill fitting opposite to his point.)
Yet in today's Review article we learn:
Councilman Bob Apple said he remembered being told before last week but that city attorneys dismissed Nicks’ opinions because they believed he wasn’t an expert on the use of force.
Yet eleven days ago he claims he and others knew years ago. As a member of City Hall, maybe he's right about something being not quite right.
Snow Day
1 day ago
It must be nice to be Bob Apple. I follow him on Facebook where he seems to spend a great deal of time promoting his paranoid perspective that market speculators are manipulating commodity prices. I don’t recall him ever rendering an opinion or a concern on this issue.
What did Apple know and when did he know it!
The bigger issue is the apparent coverup by the police and attorneys office. The Feds should make themselves useful and investigate.
What did Bob Apple know and when did he know it!
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