Saturday, September 29, 2012

Spokane River Cleanup

Steph and I signed up to help. We applied to work in the area on the north bank just west of the Sandifur Bridge, but were reassigned to the east side of Latah Creek opposite of High Bridge Park.

 Bright orange was a common color this year.

 The infantry will form up here and wait until after the artillery barrage...oh, wait...we're picking up garbage, right?

 I found a water heater in Latah Creek. Tomás and I managed to move it up to where it could be hefted onto a truck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While volunteers sweat to clean up High Bridge Park, Spokane's greedy elites and politicians scheme to increase coal shipments over the High Bridge.

Profits for elites here and in China, pollution and global warming for us all.