Every once in a while I check out Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers' Facebook page just to see what some rational people have to say before they're treated with derision by uninformed voters. Well, that's my take on it anyway.

Today she posted a link to an article purportedly written by a doctor who gives his or her
perspective of "Obamacare". It's published on the Free Republic web site. The author's name is not given, only the user name "schwingdoc".

When you click on the name you're taken to an About page that informs you of the following:

Do these people know what
schwing means?
I think McMorris-Rodgers' linking to this just goes to show how desperate she and her colleagues are. This article is uncredited, riddled with typographical and grammatical errors and posted on a really sketchy site. If they can't come up with examples to support their position, by people not afraid to put their name on it, they should just stay quiet.
I love that the conservatives are always saying the government should learn to operate more efficiently, but the "doctor" who has posted this hasn't considered he should try to find efficiencies in his business model to make taking Medicare and Medicaid patients profitable. It's all silliness.
Also, if they didn't see the problem in adopting "teabagging", how could we expect them to know about "schwing!"?
I agree with Lucas that the source of this article is poor.
The article is, however, quite accurate regarding what would likely happen if our nation instituted a "Medicare-for-all" plan. The current health care bill does not do this. So this article is really worthless as an argument against the Democrats health care bill.
But again, any medicare for all/government option plan would lead to increased private insurance premiums until the private insurers are out of the health business as customers shift, or are forced by their employers, to the government plan. The other problem would be increased wait times for doctors owing to doctors retiring after getting fed up with poor payment from the government, doctors not accepting the government insurance, and the influx of newly insured patients. (Don't forget that if doctor's incomes decrease, students aren't going to want to spend 8 extra years training without pay for a job that pays as much as bachelors degree in business).
--Quoting Lucas:
"...but the "doctor" who has posted this hasn't considered he should try to find efficiencies in his business model to make taking Medicare and Medicaid patients profitable. It's all silliness."
It's silly that you think the doctor hasn't implemented "efficiencies" (what a nebulous term) and is still not making money. How much water can you squeeze from a stone? None? Maybe you aren't being efficient enough. Maybe the government can squeeze for you?
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